Q&A following the screening, with Director-Writer-Producer James Hill

2003 Best Picture (English Language) - Italian Film Awards
2003 Nomination for Best Picture, Screenplay & Director - ARPA Festival, Los Angeles
2003 Selected by San Diego Opera for annual fundraiser for patrons of the opera
2003 Selected by New York City Opera hosted sneak preview for their patrons

Drama, Unrated.  Screening Time:  109 Minutes
Official site:  www.thestreetsweeper.com

Set in San Diego, The StreetSweeper is a snapshot of a few days in the life of a street sweeper operator named Enzo, who is played to perfection by veteran song-and-dance man, Paul Michael. Enzo is an elderly gentleman approaching retirement who is loved by all for his simple approach to life, coupled with a seemingly inexhaustible commitment to helping those around him reach inside themselves to become all they can be.  An opera singer in his youth, Enzo still loves to sing and does so in an engaging, robust style from the time he's shaving in the morning until lying on his bed at night.  Even during work hours, Enzo is known for traversing his downtown San Diego sweeper route in a battered Elgin Eagle with a horn speaker attached to the roof of the cab blaring -- what else...  invigorating opera tunes at upwards of 100dBA!
Although clearly down in his fortunes, Enzo lives a simple, exuberant life, reminiscent of Chauncey the gardener in the classic movie gem, Being There.  He has been pouring his life's savings into the dream of his lifetime, covering the Harvard schooling costs of his son, Joey, played with conviction by Michael Cavalieri
Plot twists concerning the return of Joey and his girlfriend bring audiences through a range of emotions, from disdain to empathy and to tears.  This is a movie which warms the heart, portrays brightness of spirit, and conveys a clear message of goodness and vitality, if ultimately tempered by the grim realities for those caught in the backwaters of twenty-first century life.