One Time Screening
Masterful directorial debut from Austrian actor Karl Markovics is about a young parolee’s struggles outside of prison and trying to build a new life while being unable to deal with his guilt. The odds are against him, however: he is an uncommunicative and solitary character without a family and doesn’t seem to be fit for re-socialization.
Writer/Director: Karl Markovics
Runtime: 93 min
Distributor: Kino-Lorber Films
Genre: Drama
Country: Austria
Language: German w/English subtitles
Rating: N/R
Stars: Thomas Schubert, Karin Lischka and Georg Friedrich
FESTIVALS: Cannes Film Festival, Gindou Film Festival, Arras Film Festival, France; Karlovy Vary Film Festival, Czech Republic; Jerusalem Film Festival, Israel; Toronto International Film Festival, Ottawa European Union Film Festival, Vancouver European Union Film Festival, Canada; Oldenburg International Film Festival, Germany; Athens Film Festival, Greece; Jameson Cinefest International Film Festival, Hungary; (Zurich Film Festival, Switzerland; Pusan International Film Festival, South Korea; São Paulo International Film Festival, Brazil; Glasgow Film Festival, UK; (Hong Kong International Film Festival, Hong Kong; New Directors/New Films, USA
AWARDS: Cannes Film Festival, Label Europa Cinemas; Molodist International Film Festival, FIPRESCI Prize, Best Film; European Film Awards, Scythian Deer, Grand Prix; Zurich Film Festival, Golden Eye, Best German Language Feature Film
“An extraordinary movie. Karl Markovics, manages to put his beautifully-shot debut movie on a level with the best Austrian movies of recent years – and with this year’s highlights of the Cannes Film Festival.” Lukas Traber, NISIMAZINE (EU, Daily in Cannes & Website)
Official Website w/Press Kit & Trailer:
Additional information: 760-770-0507