New Comic Thriller “The Weasel’s Tale” From Oscar-Winning Director of “The Secret in Their Eyes” Juan Jose Campanella 85% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes “Old-fashioned fare with an up-to-date edge…enjoyably over-the-top.”...
An aging Jewish tailor leaves his life in Argentina to embark on a journey back through time and halfway around the world, in the bittersweet road movie THE LAST SUIT. Eighty-eight-year-old Holocaust survivor Abraham Bursztein (Miguel Ángel Solá) is about to be put...
TRUMAN Advanced Screening The latest feature from Spanish director Cesc Gay is a tender and honest portrayal of a man facing his own mortality, and of the companionship that sustains him in this most trying of times. Starring Ricardo Darin (“The Secret in Their...
Ale is a beautiful transgender cartonera who lives on the city’s edge, in a shantytown for the gay and transgender homeless. She gathers refuse and cardboard on the Buenos Aires streets to make a living. One night Ale sees 10-year old Julia being forced back inside...
COACHELLA VALLEY PREMIERE After the war, Nazis and Jews alike fled to Argentina to escape war crime tribunals and the horrendous persecution of the past, respectively. Each brings with them an intense dislike of the other, trying their best to begin new lives, but the...