Written and directed by Jiří Havelka, based on his own award-winning stage play, Vlastníci presents us with a curious cast of characters, all of whom own apartments in the same block somewhere in Prague, and charts their progress as they attempt to tolerate each...
TIGER THEORY  (Czech Republic)

TIGER THEORY (Czech Republic)

Jan (Jiří Bartoška), a veterinarian, has had enough. The last drop was the death of his father-in-law who, just like him, ran out of strength and patience. Everything in his life, old age and finally even his death, the manner and the place of his grave, had always...
THE TEACHER  (Czech Republic | Slovakia)

THE TEACHER (Czech Republic | Slovakia)

Set in Bratislava during the final decade of communism, THE TEACHER examines the abuse of power at a middle school. Zuzana Maurery, named best actress at Karlovy Vary, plays a terrifying instructor who heads the local Communist party and uses her pupils to manipulate...