CALIFORNIA PREMIERE “THE COMING BACK OUT BALL MOVIE” is an observational feature documentary that follows a group of older LGBTIQ+ people, who have been invited to attend a Ball celebrating their gender and sexual identity. Faced with the complexities of...
WEST COAST PREMIERE The first film from one of Australia’s greatest theater director’s, is at once a brilliant re-imagining of Henrik Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK and a startling, absorbing work of art in its own right. Starring Paul Schneider, Geoffrey...
COACHELLA VALLEY PREMIERE Lies. Betrayal. Blackmail. Murder. Four different women, each with a well-hidden secret they are coaxed, tricked or forced into revealing. Through a veil of lies all four flirt with the truth as they experience betrayal, ambition, loneliness,...
U.S. PREMIERE WHERE I BELONG is a riveting historical drama that portrays the power of love and forgiveness during even the darkest of times. Rosemarie is a hard working young woman living in a small English town in the 1950’s with her father. They had lost...
Official submission for 2014 Academy Award, Best Foreign Film. A boy who is believed to bring bad luck leads his family (and a couple of ragged misfits) through Laos to find a new home. After a calamity-filled journey through a land scarred by war, the boy builds a...